Keep Calm & Carry On

In 1939 the British government commissioned three posters to be used to boost morale during the dark days of World War II. The first two were printed and circulated but the third was kept in reserve, to be used only in times of extreme crisis. It remained uncirculated and unknown to the public until the year 2000 when one was discovered in an old, discarded box by an English shopkeeper. His wife liked it so much that she framed it and hung it by the register of their book store. The message is simple and short, just five words topped with a graphic of the king's crown: KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. It became immensely popular and is now one of the iconic images of the 21st century. 

That poster is a simple message of calm, long forgotten, now well-beloved. Why would 21st-century Westerners, now safe from German bombs, be so attracted to a war-time slogan about keeping calm in the chaos? Because we live in an anxious, harried and hurried world. Because every human heart longs for peace. 

The Sabbath, too, is a simple message of calm---long forgotten by most of Christianity, but well-beloved by those who have experienced it. It is a place of calm in a world of unrest. On the Sabbath we lay down our work and respond to the call of our King, "Come to Me, all you who are worn out and burdened down, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) This next Sabbath, go to Jesus and experience His rest. No receipts, no chores, no timecards, no commercials: just Jesus. All.

*You can hear the story of the poster here.