Making Life Choices. While Holding Hands.

Making life choices can be agonizing.

I know.

I've had to make too many lately.

You're there, looking at the options, and praying that God would just show you the right one. Could it light up or something? I don't have a sheep fleece; would this North Face one work? Go ahead, God: just whisper the right answer in my ear. TELL ME WHAT THE RIGHT CHOICE IS! Please.

Since I'm now an expert in making agonizing life choices (ahahahahaaaaa!),

here's my advice to you. Specifically to you, Sonya, since my blog comment didn't post.


Choose whatever path your heart desires, as long as you can take Christ there with you. "Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go..." Don't worry about choosing something that's outside your fate or destiny and thereby ruining your life forever. That won't happen! Your destiny is joy in Christ and life with Him forever. So choose the thing you think you want the most, and take the hand of Jesus, skipping into the bright future! Good things await.