Of Interest, April 7

Here are some things that tickled my fancy and edified my mind. Check 'em out!


1 >> Read this amazing story of how my new niece Melissa escaped Crimea just in time to become a part of our family. (Kristine is my husband's sister, if you were wondering.)


2 >> My friend Sonya passed this my way and I thank her. It'll improve your day or your money back. 

Made this video for fun with my boyfriend a few weeks ago. We came across the clip of these kids dancing and thought it would be funny with some Irish music; and it was. Thanks so much everybody for all the great comments and for sharing all over the place.


3 >> With a surprise inside! "What Worship Style Attracts the Millennials?" (Pastors and leaders, take note!) h/t @anhandal 


4 >> A sign of the times, to be sure, and an indication of things to come: "Neither Female Nor Male": Australia's decision to offer a third gender option. 

Of Interest

Interesting bytes of goodness on the Internet 
that have nourished my brain and fed my soul this week. Check 'em out!


1 >> The best sermon I've heard in 2014. The doctrine of the sanctuary: too boring, too divisive, too Adventist. (But also, the answer for bringing justice to the abused and understanding why Jesus left the earth.) My good friend Tiago tells the truth--

Uploaded by watchAUSA on 2014-03-24.


2 >> An interview with Pastor Corey Greaves who leads out in an inspiring ministry for Native youth called Mended Wings

We're about healing from historical trauma, addictions, and abuses; about empowering our Native youths and families to walk in wholeness and beauty as followers of the Jesus-way.

3 >> A byte-sized tract: Why I Go to Church on Saturday


4 >> Activist Loretta Ross gives a brief history on the term "women of color."


5 >> Malcolm Gladwell on the Waco disaster. (A guide on how not to talk to apocalyptic believers.) "Sacred & Profane"


6 >> "The Rise & Fall of Adventist Women in Leadership" : a historical glance at this very live issue.